I love to help people. i've always had a tremendous desire to want to help people. I want to put my arms around people, take their pain away. Make them happy. Make their life better. Sounds great doesn’t it? Truth is though that this is too much for some people. It’s a bit...
I love the saying that people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. And on my spiritual journey, this seems to be even clearer! Everyone you meet comes in to your life to teach you something. Sometimes good. Sometimes bad. There truly is a lesson in every one that you meet....
Do you know what really annoys me? When people say, ‘You won’t find love until you love yourself.’ The reason this annoys me is because loving yourself, in my opinion, is one of the hardest things to do. For me, it feels like an added pressure. It feels like that there is a...
Only the strongest people acknowledge their own vulnerability.’ Lars Muhl so, I took a few days away from social media and my spiritual work for a couple of reasons. I had some healing last weekend and some big triggers came up with it. It’s been a really difficult week for...
Cord cutting. Emotional cord cutting. Something people talk a lot about within healing. I tried a few guided meditations over the years which helped me and then a while ago I went to see a healing practitioner who advised they would like to perform this on me. The first time I had emotional cord...
I saw a quote that talks about the healing powers of water for empaths. This is so true as an empath myself. I’ve always loved being in or near water. A swim, a bath, sitting near a lake, river or the sea. Water is healing. Cleansing. Reinvigorating. My two favourite places in Glastonbury...
'Now you’re just somebody that I used to know….' I love that song. And it keeps going round in my head as I write this. It’s easy to forget sometimes how much you change and grow when you are on your spiritual journey. Yes, you can rack up qualifications and...
I’ve had a lot of people talk to me about which way to go on their spiritual journey. Where to start, what to focus on. I say the same to everyone. Your spiritual journey is unique to you. It’s your journey and when you start to listen to your intuition, you will be guided what path to...
I’ve always believed that as part of the spiritual journey it’s important to keep working on yourself. Not just in terms of your growth, but in terms of our own self-healing. Addressing what is stopping us from being our most authentic self and identifying what is stopping us from...
Remember the song by Bonnie Tyler? ‘It's a heartache Nothing but a heartache Hits you when it's too late Hits you when you're down’ I had a conversation with someone this week where we talked about how you can continue to be open to love, and still give love when you haven’t been...
The last 6 months of 2023 saw me go to new depths with healing. I started a course of EFT or ‘tapping’, in a bid to get to the root of some of my self worth and self esteem issues as I really felt that they were still holding me back. The very first session I had cleared so much, I was...
No. I said this to someone yesterday. They were absolutely taken aback. How DARE I say no? I went back and gave three valid reasons to this person why I wasn’t going to do what they asked me. Not that I needed to explain myself. But I chose to give the rational behind my decision. The reason...
When I first started on my spiritual journey, I had no idea the number of things that would come up for me to heal. I am very aware of what my own ‘demons’ are, and I am very aware of when I am triggered. I have had counselling over the years along with CBT and other conventional therapies to...
I never realised how lonely this journey would be at times. When it started back in August 2021, I was lucky enough to have quite a few people around me to help me get started. They were just as excited as I was about the start of this journey. I was so excited! I had a real thirst for learning. I...