About Me

47 Years old and a single parent. I divorced back in 2007. Over the years I suffered with low self esteem issues and my core belief was that I wasn’t good enough. Food was my drug of choice and when triggered emotionally. Being ostracised or ignored were those triggers.

I always felt different. Like I never quite ‘fitted in’. I was constantly searching for validation to feel better about myself, through relationships, jobs, a rigorous fitness regime or at one point, winning a plus size beauty pageant. But something was still missing. I was always told I was too much. Too loud. Too big. Too excitable. Too giving. A bit like an excitable puppy. I had so much love inside me, I just wanted to share it. To help people. To make people feel better. 

I have always been open to all things Spiritual as long as I can remember. It fascinated me. From horoscopes as a teenager to my first reading at 20 years old. Over the years I’ve had many readings, then I experienced energy healing. Back in 2020, I started meditating frequently and starting to work with crystals.

In August 2021, I was guided to visit Glastonbury Town, in particularly, a beautiful place called The Chalice Well. That was where I heard spirit for the very first time. And that is when my spiritual journey truly started. It was as if I was kicked through the door.

I bought my first deck of oracle cards and started doing mini readings for friends, amazed at how they resonated for them. This led me to learn Tarot. I had a thirst for knowledge by this point and wanted to find something that would fit with me, something that I could work with. I explored Paganism, Witchcraft, working with Goddesses. During this time, I went through a period of extreme learning and healing self-worth issues, dealing with triggers which were coming up at a rapid rate.

In December 2021, I was drawn to learn Reiki so I studied for my level 1 in January 2022. As soon as I was attuned, Spirit came through to me so strongly, I knew that healing was my true calling.

After completing my level 2 Reiki, I started to practise. I found I was reading people during these sessions inadvertently and experiencing really strong energies, feeling physical and emotional sensations from the clients, having Spirit connect and give messages. I found myself mentally, physically and emotionally drained. I was drawn to learn another healing modality by the name of Rahanni. I was attracted by its Celestial Energies. My attunement was a beautiful experience and took place in the gardens of The Chalice Well on my favourite bench.

After one of my many trips to Glastonbury, in October 2022 when I had my attunement, I was woken up by a feeling of being pinned down. I panicked; I couldn’t move. This happened consecutively over two nights. As if something was trying to get my attention. On the third night I awoke to see what I could only describe a huge, bright gold Angelic being sat on the corner of my bed smiling at me. I wasn’t scared. I felt a sense of calm. I kept rubbing my eyes until he eventually disappeared. It didn’t make any sense until months later. I just put it down to my ever developing spiritual journey.

From when I started doing Rahanni case studies, I was amazed at the profound effects it was having on people, even after just one session. During these sessions, I started to be visited by Angels. I could feel their presence right behind me and standing to my left. During one session, I felt an Angel walk straight through me to help me channel energy to the client I was working on. I will never forget the feeling of the weight of their wings on my back and how it made me slump down at the sheer heaviness of them.

I continued practising this modality and gathered case studies, focusing initially on adults and children with ADHD and Autism. After just one session, the children in particular had a marked improvement in their related symptoms, much to the astonishment of their parents.

Upon returning to Glastonbury and meeting with my friend, mentor and Rahanni teacher, after much discussion, it was apparent that I was not channelling Reiki or Rahanni. It was something completely different. This was completely overwhelming. And, truth be told, a little scary. So, after much soul searching, meditating and asking what I was channeling, the pieces of the jigsaw started to fall into place as I began to receive channelled messages.

The beautiful, gold Angelic being who was sat on my bed was Seraphiel and this new healing modality was to be called Atarah. The reason I started to channel this energy and bypass the others was based on my ability to love and my want/need to help people. Love, especially divine love, is an incredibly powerful energy.

And now, i am at a point on this journey where I no longer need that external validation to feel better. I have finally found the missing piece. My spiritual journey has led me to finding and finally being my most authentic self.