Cutting The Cords

Cord cutting. Emotional cord cutting. Something people talk a lot about within healing. I tried a few guided meditations over the years which helped me and then a while ago I went to see a healing practitioner who advised they would like to perform this on me.

The first time I had emotional cord cutting, I felt like someone had performed surgery on me. I don’t even know how I managed to get home. I felt dazed and confused. Like I was coming around from an anaesthetic. I just remember getting back, stumbling through the front door and falling into my bed.

It was one of the most intense experiences I have ever had in terms of healing.

Truth was, I was scared. I was apprehensive about it when I went for the healing session. I had an emotional cord attached to my solar plexus, my sacral and my heart chakra.

The reason I was so scared of cutting these particular cords were because they were attached to one person. A person I was so deeply in love with. I thought this cord cutting process would mean I would lose them from my life completely. I couldn’t bear the thought of it. It made my heart ache. It made me want to curl up and sob my heart out.

On reflection, I now see that this person came into my life to accelerate my spiritual growth.

I didn’t see that at the time. I was far too consumed with love for this person. All I wanted was for them to love me as much as I loved them. For them to see and to acknowledge this amazing connection that we had.

The lesson here was for me to pour all that love, time and energy back into me. To do the work on myself that I was being guided to do…. learning and self healing.

And it was worth it. I’m in a completely different place mentally and spiritually to how I was then.

This isn’t me saying you shouldn’t give love to others. This is me saying that people do come into your life for a reason. Not necessarily the reason we think though. There is a lesson in everyone we meet. And, not everyone is meant to stay in your life.

If you truly have a connection with someone, you will never lose that. But it doesn’t mean you’re meant to be with that person in the 3D. Sometimes that person just isn’t ready to accept that connection. It took me a long time to realise this.

We all have our own paths to walk and shadow work to do. Some people don’t want to do that work on themselves. This is where you walk past them and continue your journey without them as you move to another level.

Don’t be afraid to cut cords.

They can be the one thing stopping you from moving towards where you are truly meant to be.


