friend or foe?

I love the saying that people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. And on my spiritual journey, this seems to be even clearer! Everyone you meet comes in to your life to teach you something. Sometimes good. Sometimes bad.

There truly is a lesson in every one that you meet.

there are two types of spiritual people I’ve met on my  journey. The givers and the takers.

The spiritual givers go above and beyond to help you. Imparting their knowledge. Sharing their experiences. They help illuminate you on your journey and celebrate your achievements They are there for you when times are challenging. The energy exchange  is reciprocal. They get excited by seeing your progress. They want you to succeed. they know that we are all here for a bigger purpose. 

The spiritual takers on the other hand are full of ego. They miss the point of the spiritual journey. They are fuelled by wanting to be the best at what they do or by how much money they can make. They come in and take advantage of your kindness. They don’t celebrate your successes. But want you to celebrate theirs. They secretly want to be better than you and are envious of your progress. They take what they can from you and then disappear into the shadows, leaving you disappointed that you put your trust and faith in someone you thought was a friend. 

So, for anyone on their spiritual journey right now, take care when navigating these relationships on your path and remember there is a lesson in everyone we meet.  


