Which Way Now?

I’ve had a lot of people talk to me about which way to go on their spiritual journey. Where to start, what to focus on.

I say the same to everyone.

Your spiritual journey is unique to you. It’s your journey and when you start to listen to your intuition, you will be guided what path to take.

When I started on my path, the first thing I got in the habit of was meditating. I always used to struggle with this. Said I didn’t have time to meditate. I started off with guided meditations and haven’t looked back since. I meditate every day, even it is just for ten minutes. Quieting the mind helps so much.

The other thing I would recommend to anyone starting on their spiritual path is to explore the different paths open to you and see what feels right, what you are drawn to. I looked at so many things. Paganism, witchcraft, working with Goddess, crystals, energy healing, different divination tools such as tarot, runes, the list goes on. Meditating on this will help. And sometimes, something will pop up that you may never have dreamed of ever doing, for me, that was mediumship.

I said to someone a couple of weeks ago, it’s like being a spider in the middle of building their web. You start off small and then strand by strand, it gets bigger. A spiritual tool box, where you can reach in and pull out what is needed at the right time.

Don’t be afraid to talk to people. Ask them about their journey. But again remember, this is your journey that is unique to you. It doesn’t matter what opinions other people have.

You have to do you and what feels right to you.


